
Affichage des articles du mars, 2022
  I'm sure you have seen the speakers in the front and behind your computer, but did you know that there are larger speakers built into your projector? You may be wondering how these can be connected or what else needs to be done. This article will show you how to connect 5.1 speakers to projector and also a few other tips for connecting audio devices to projectors.     Image source: A Brief on What Device this Article is About: How to Connect 5.1 Speakers To Projector In order for any speaker to work, it must first receive an audio signal from somewhere else (your TV, laptop screen). When the computer is turned on, it may display the speakers connected to it correctly. Sometimes, the speakers can be recognized as something else or not at all.     Image source: Once you have sound, determine which speakers are playing what. In other words, figure out what Voice 1 and Voice 2 each speaker has assigned to it (in a 5.1 setup,

how to clean projecto

This article will go through many ways on how to clean the projector in your home or office. It includes simple do-it-yourself methods that you can use right away, as well as professional options for more extreme cleaning needs.     Image source:  Many people might be surprised to learn that there are a lot of things that can make projection failure happen. Many people often blame themselves for not trying hard enough or understanding the intricacies of their equipment even though it might have something to do with the way they carelessly handle it.      Image source: You don't have to feel bad if what you've been doing hasn't been working because now, you’re armed with some helpful tips on how to avoid making projector cleaning difficult and unsightly in the future so that your projector will always be clean,     Image source:  new, and ready for use at your next big presentation. If you want to know how to